29.11.2020 Ruka World Cup Pursuit W 10km / M 15 km free
Ilma: -4°C Lumi: -5°C Ilmankosteus: 94%
Kilpahiihtäjän voitelu
Alusvoitelu: Start RG Race blue (-6...-15C) glider
Kelivoitelu: Start RG Ultra purple (-2...-8C) liquid glider
Pintavoitelu: Start XT3 / XT5 powder mixed 50/50
Apply Start RG Blue glider with iron onto the base. Let cool and scrape and polish well.
Apply RG Ultra Purple liquid glider onto the base, use roto cork to fasten glider onto the base.
Spread XT5 powder small amount to the gliding base, spread also XT3 powder to the gliding base.
Rub with natural cork to mix and fasten the powder to the base. Use roto cork to fasten the mixed powder
to the base. You can also iron powders and use roto cork after ironing. Let cool, scrape, brush and polish well!